MediaWiki API help
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples:
- This module requires read rights.
- This module requires write rights.
- This module only accepts POST requests.
- منبع: MediaWiki
- License: GPL-2.0+
Change preferences of the current user.
Only options which are registered in core or in one of installed extensions, or options with keys prefixed with userjs-
(intended to be used by user scripts), can be set.
- reset
ترجیحات را به مقادیر پیش فرض سایت بازمی گرداند.
- Type: boolean (details)
- resetkinds
List of types of options to reset when the reset option is set.
- Values (separate with | or alternative): registered، registered-multiselect، registered-checkmatrix، userjs، special، unused، all
- پیشفرض: all
- change
List of changes, formatted name=value (e.g. skin=vector). If no value is given (not even an equals sign), e.g., optionname|otheroption|..., the option will be reset to its default value. If any value passed contains the pipe character (|), use the alternative multiple-value separator for correct operation.
- Separate values with | or alternative. Maximum number of values is ۵۰ (۵۰۰ for bots).
- optionname
The name of the option that should be set to the value given by optionvalue.
- optionvalue
The value for the option specified by optionname.
- token
A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
- This parameter is required.
- بازنشانی همه تنظیمات.
- api.php?action=options&reset=&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]
- Change skin and hideminor preferences.
- api.php?action=options&change=skin=vector|hideminor=1&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]
- Reset all preferences, then set skin and nickname.
- api.php?action=options&reset=&change=skin=monobook&optionname=nickname&optionvalue=[[User:Beau|Beau]]%20([[User_talk:Beau|talk]])&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]